Wednesday, August 19, 2009


This is my first venture as a blogger. My hope is that instead of being a writer-centric blog, this will be a reader-centric blog, where we can all make content contributions. However, that content must be focused around a single topic . . . food.

It is true that there are countless food blogs already in existence, so why another one? The more the merrier is what I say. Food can use all the help it can get. As obesity rates rise and all that, how can I possibly say food needs help? Recently I heard a radio program on dieting and eating right. The supposed expert was saying that the key to eating right is having the mindset that food is fuel, and that it should not be regarded with joy. I simply do not agree. In the early days, man had to work very hard to acquire enough food to stay alive. I'm sure in those days there was no lack of joy concerning the food on their plates. Just because it doesn't require nearly as much energy for us to acquire food as it once did, does that mean we should enjoy it any less? I say no. In fact, I believe that if we really enjoyed our food, if we made the effort to make every bite matter, we just might be healthier for having done so.

This blog is about celebrating food. I welcome all to celebrate with me. If you love to make it, taste it, or both, then feel free to write about it. Share your recipes. Share your favorite eating establishments. Share your stories of eating while you travel. Anything that has to do with food is fair game.

I hope that my earlier thoughts on food won't drive any readers away. I don't plan on writing like that often. However, I would like to end with one last thought. Another radio program I recently heard was all about cheese. The host asked the guest how she managed to stay thin with all the cheese that she was eating. I love her answer. She simply said, "Real cheese is real food, and my body knows what to do with it."

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